Thursday, February 4, 2010

Back to the Basics

Restoring Lost Nutrients - from

Our bodies were made to thrive on the fresh, natural foods that Mother Nature provides. But the longer a food's journey from soil to plate, the more interfering chemical processes it has probably endured along the way. Vital nutrients are lost during that trip — ones that would otherwise have played important roles in your body's healthy metabolism and everyday functioning.

So how do you get back to basics? First of all, ditching the "frankenfoods" for fresh foods is one of the best ways to reap those natural benefits. If you can't pronounce the ingredients in a food, you shouldn't be eating it — period. Second, make sure you're getting the important nutrients your body needs. Don't sacrifice them in the name of a dollar.


With that said, Leslie H. had introduced me to an amazing thing today. It is called "Farm Fresh to You" and it focuses on organic produce from local farmers in the Bay Area! It is delivered directly to your house or office and the prices are very hard to beat.

Too good to be true?
No - I just signed up today and picked the smallest delivery package which was $25 every two weeks (you can pick the frequency - every week, every other week, once a month ) and which kinds of produce I would like to get. I am so excited to see what I will be getting next week for my first delivery. I will make sure to post some pictures =) Here is the link to the website:

Hope you enjoy this post!
Happy Fitness!

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