Thursday, February 11, 2010

Pacing Yourself

Go Go Go Go....
Have to work out ....
Can't stop or else ....

Anyone else feel that way? Well, since starting this "Biggest Loser" contest I've felt that way. If there is one day out of my week I can't work out - I feel horrible & guilty. This morning I got my daily email from Jillian Michaels and after reading it I felt like a ton of bricks was taken off of my shoulders. Here is a blurb from her email regarding overtraining and pacing yourself.


Pace Yourself - from

Believe it or not, your muscles do not get stronger during your workout; it's after the workout that they grow and develop. Intense strength training places huge demands on your muscles. To adapt to those demands, your muscles need adequate recovery time to rebuild and get stronger. As important as it is to stay the course and not get lazy, it's just as important to know when to cut yourself a break so you don't burn out, and your body has a chance to process all of the work you're doing.

Hope you enjoy this post!
Happy Fitness!

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